Monday, June 17, 2013

Happy Father's Day

We were full speed ahead on our 2 week clean eating when Father's Day hit and Steven wanted a break.  Who am I to argue?  When the man asks for Chicago style pizza, then the man gets Chicago style pizza...and Sonic...and donuts.  Aye, aye, aye.  I feel heavy and yucky.  It tasted amazing, but it sure doesn't feel amazing.  Since we totally cheated through our whole weekend, we have all the ingredients for cleaner eating.  That's what we'll be doing to finish out the week.   Just head on over to our two week menu for eating ideas.

And now I bring you our Father's Day Weekend!!!

This year Steven is working towards crossing off a major life goal.  Running his first marathon (I say first because I can't honestly imagine this being his last).   I wanted his Father's Day to be themed around his goal.  There were a few things he needed to make his training a little easier; a gps watch and new running shoes.  Neither item very inexpensive, but I was bound and determined to make this happen for him.

For months I saved and saved and saved to put money towards his gift.  I figured both items together would be about $400, plus I wanted to take him out to dinner...add another $40.  I was looking at a total of $440.  We don't necessarily have an extra $440 laying around so saving was my only option.  A few little bumps hit my planned out road and I only had $200 saved.  At the very least I knew I would be able to get him one of the items, but not both.  I was a little sad.  Steven works hard for our family and asks for very little.  He is the first to purchase something for me or the kids before himself.  He's always been selfless like that.

On the Thursday before Father's Day I received my check in the mail from Arbonne.  When I say I work for a generous network marketing business, I'm not lying.  I opened my check and saw $750 looking at me.  Holy smokes!!!  God is so faithful. He brings such good things.  Not only was I going to get to spoil my husband, I was going to drop a good chunk into our savings as well. 

So this is how our Father's Day went.  It was all themed around his Chicago Marathon.

I gave 3 clues to Steven all in envelopes.  Each envelope contained enough cash and coupons for the task (you didn't think I'd pay retail did you?).  His clues were as such...

Clue #1:  (a little carb loading) 

The weekend is here.
You've been good all year.
It's time to celebrate
with a family date.

Take us to Marley's Chicago Style Pizza.

Clue #2:  (his Nike gps watch)

It's marathon time
and we're always on a dime.
You're going to run a race,
but how will you know the pace?

Take us to Dick's Sporting Goods

Clue #3: (getting fitted for proper shoes)

Your belly's all full.
You have a new tool.
It will help you be set,
but there's something to fret. 

What about your feet?

Take us to Fleet Feet.

That was all his clues.  In true Steven Torres fashion, he gave me the hardest time about spending money on him.  I had to be really stubborn (not hard for me).  Eventually, he saw a wasn't going to budge and the cash was sitting there.  He had no choice.  Muah-ha-ha-ha...that's my evil laugh!

The best part of all was the watch.  It was on sale.  Couple that with my gnarley coupon and he spent $60 less than what I was expecting.  Boo-yah!  More money to savings.  I love a good deal.

So, my love.  I hope you had an amazing Father's Day because you are an amazing father.  It was fun to spoil you and the kids had a blast watching you open your clues.  Here's to celebrating you!

I keep seeing, 'Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever,' but then I don't see Steven in the pics. Thought I'd better fix that. Happy Father's Day to the best dad ever (everyone else is lying, Honey)! We love you!

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