Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Menu Monday

Busy, fun, busy, tiring, rewarding, and time with family pretty much sums up the long weekend.  Although long relaxing weekends are nice, we really enjoyed our time with friends and my grandparents.  This coming weekend doesn't appear to be too relaxing either since my mom, Little Miss, and I will take a 10 hour drive to Illinois to see my cousin get married.  I will be a fun girls' trip where Little Miss gets time away from boys, but secretly I am really sad about leaving my boys.  It will be my first time away from Chubby Cheekers.  I like our family best together.  Not apart.

My menu for this week is pretty short, because I will be gone Friday-Sunday.  That means Steven is on dinner duty, and a limited cash budget for eating out.  I hope those boys don't starve!

Here's the limited menu..

Monday-Dinner on a Stick, Salad
Tuesday-Turkey Chili and Cornbread
Wednesday-Roasted Chicken, Green Beans, Sweet Potatoes
Thursday-BBQ Sandwiches, Salad, Fruit Salad
Friday-Daddy on Duty
Saturday-Daddy on Duty
Sunday-Daddy on Duty

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