Monday, May 13, 2013

Menu Monday

For the last few weeks I have been chasing my own tail.  Our schedules have been packed out with so much during the weekend, that the week has been catch up.  I'm sure you've noticed my absence. No?  I promise to do a better job this week.  Mainly because I have a lot to share about our family and a nasty story involving used deodorant.  Yeah, you'll want to stick around for that!

Here's my menu for the week.

Monday-Fried Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Tuesday-Whole Roasted Chicken, Sweet Potatoes, Salad
Wednesday-Chicken Broccoli Rice Casserole, Buttered Bread
Thursday-Turkey Chili, Cornbread, Salad
Friday-Salmon Avocado Salsa, Grilled Veggies, Brown Rice
Saturday-Grilled Chicken Sandwich, Pineapple Salsa, Brown Rice Chips
Sunday-Lentil Soup and Grilled Cheese Sandwiches

Have a great week!

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