Monday, April 15, 2013

Menu Monday Detox Style

Have you ever had weeks where you try to accomplish too much? Who am I kidding?  This is a blog written for a group of females.  We always have weeks where we try to accomplish too much.  It's just this week was exceptionally busy.  Crazy busy.  In addition to crazy busy, we had a gigantic curve ball thrown into the mix.  I can't even really classify it as a curve ball.  More like a curve ball from left field.  Not the pitcher's mound.  Something we never ever saw coming.

Steven and I were so consumed by this curve ball that when Friday rolled around I wasn't prepared.  Fridays are my grocery shopping day. It also happened to be pay day.  AHHHHH!  I had to quickly throw together a menu (I hadn't even looked at the competitor ads yet), restock all of our cash envelopes for the remainder of the month, and get myself to the store.  I generally start this whole process on Tuesday so getting it together in a few short hours during nap was challenging.

And how does this affect me?  I'm sure you're wondering.  It boils down to this...

My menu is full of repeats.  I really try hard not to repeat meals within a month, but since the detox takes planning, I'm repeating recipes.  Saving time was just a tad more important this week.

Monday-Cilantro Lime Roasted Chicken, Green Beans, Toasted Brown Rice Bread
Tuesday-Hummus Crusted Chicken, Steamed Broccoli, Butternut Squash
Wednesday-Turkey Burgers, Sweet Potato Fries, Berry Salad
Thursday-Turkey Chili and Salad
Friday-Coconut Chicken, Stir Fry, Brown Rice
Saturday-Chicken Avocado Sandwiches, Chips/Homemade Salsa, Raw Bell Pepper Strips
Sunday-Chicken Parmigiana*, Salad, Roasted Garlic Dipping Sauce with toasted brown rice bread (omit balsamic vinegar)

*I used the basic plan of this recipe and substituted.  Here's the rundown...

Use almond flour instead of flour,  stevia instead of sugar, and of course, no parmesan cheese.  I still used the wine because the alcohol is reduced in the heat, and leaves behind an amazing flavor.  Over and out.

Tomorrow I will post the recipes for Turkey Chili and Homemade Salsa.

Happy Monday!

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