Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Homemade Salsa

I very well may get hacked for posting this one.  My father-in-law has an amazing salsa recipe.  For almost six years I dated his son, and he would not fork it over.  He told me we had to get married first before he would tell me.  It is top secret, and here I am telling it.  If you don't hear from me over the next couple of days, please contact authorities.  I kid.  He wouldn't kill me.  He loves me.  I am one of his two favorite daughter in laws.  Plus, I'm leaving out the extra special ingredient.  I guess if you want the icing on the top, then you'll have to marry a Torres.

Even though I won't give you the final ingredient, I'll give you a still delicious recipe.

Torres Homemade Salsa
2 garlic cloves, chopped
2-3 medium tomatoes, deseeded and diced (leave one whole)
1/2 onion, chopped
1/2 lime
1 jalapeno
1/4 tomatillo
1/4 cup cilantro
salt or pepper to taste

Toss all ingredients into a food processor except one tomato and lime.  Pulse processor until you have a good salsa consistency.  Pour into a large bowl.  Dice the last tomato with seeds and all.  Toss into bowl and squeeze the lime juice into the bowl.  Add sea salt to taste.  Keep refrigerated.

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