Monday, March 4, 2013

Menu Monday

Month 3 of Financial Peace University and we are in love.  Like we just had a fourth child or something.  Crazy weird how doing something so disciplined and detailed makes life easier and less stressful.

In doing FPU, we have strict budgets for various spending areas.  Our grocery budget is set at $450 for the month.  I try to spend around $100, but give a $50 cushion because our grocery budget includes cleaning supplies, tolietries, baby needs, and food.  So far I have come in just a tad under budget each month.  It feels good.  However, I have to make some tough decisions at the store sometimes.  For example, the cuts of meat I purchase have changed up a bit.  This past week I purchased one whole chicken, which will be roasted today for a meal and the leftovers will be shredded for Wednesday's menu.  The whole chicken at a little over 4 lbs was only $4.  Then I purchased chicken thighs that were on sale for $1.19/lb.  Going this route allowed me to save $3 from the usual frozen chicken breasts I usually buy each week.  $3 may not sound like a big savings, BUT when you add up all those $3 savings here and there, it keeps me under budget.  AND, under budget is what we like 'round these parts.

Anyhoo, here's the menu for this week...

Monday-Roasted Whole Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans
Tuesday-Quinoa Fajitas, Salad, Spanish Brown Rice
Wednesday-Chicken Bacon Crescent Ring, Sweet Potatoes Slices, Fresh Fruit Salad
Thursday-Man Pleasing Chicken, Broccoli Casserole, Buttered Bread
Friday-Honey Mustard Chicken, Zucchini, Garlic Bread
Saturday-Grilled Chicken with Peppers and Cheesy Biscuits
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's

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