Monday, March 11, 2013

Menu Monday

Granola. Crunchy.  Two words that describe me lately.  I'll have to share more on that later.  Today is MENU MONDAY!

Monday-Hamburgers, Pineapple Salsa and Chips
Tuesday-French Lentil Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwiches
Thursday-Roasted Whole Chicken, Corn Casserole, Salad
Friday-Corn Tortilla Chicken Tacos (chicken used from last night's meal) and Guacamole

I can't tell you where I'll be Saturday and Sunday.  Complete surprise...for you, not me.  I know where I'm going.  AND, guess what?  On Friday, March 15th I will have been married to Steven Torres for 10 whole years!!!  Somehow that man has stuck around with me.  It must be my good looks.

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