Monday, November 26, 2012

Travel Clue Answers

Menu Monday will be tomorrow.  Too much laundry.  Too much cleaning.  Too much stringing of the Christmas lights.  Too pooped.  Amazing how life goes on while you are away.

It's over. Family time and vacation time is over.  I have some serious tears going on over here.  If you hadn't already guessed it, or you missed the pictures on Facebook, we went to Chicago for the week.  It was an amazing time visiting family in the city and family in the suburbs.

If you're curious about the meaning of the clues, here are the answers...

Travel Clue #1:  Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln Park Zoo
Travel Clue #2: What you talkin' about Willis?  Willis Tower (formerly Sears Tower)
Travel Clue #3: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Soldier Field
Travel Clue #4: The New Millenium Millenium Park
Travel Clue #5: Old Navy. Navy Pier

Speaking of Navy Pier, we went.  Of course it was fun and we lucked out with the weather. Right by the lake is crazy cold, but we were living it up in the high 50's.  Amazing weather while we visited!

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