Friday, November 16, 2012

Chubby Cheekers {9 Months Edition}

Travel Clue #1: Abraham Lincoln
Travel Clue #2: What you talkin' about Willis?
Travel Clue #3: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
Travel Clue #4: The New Millennium
Travel Clue #5: Old Navy

It's really hard to believe that I'm inching closer to that one year mark.  It seems like yesterday I was playing in the toilet.  Oh wait.  That was yesterday, but that's not the point.  The point is I'm getting older.  

Mommy keeps telling me to slow down.  I'm not sure if she's speaking figuratively or literally, but my gut is telling me it's both.  I am doing things way faster than Little Man or Little Miss did.  I'd like to think of myself as a baby genius.  I find all of my adventures as real feats, but Mommy doesn't always give me the accolades I seek out.  For example, I crawled from the living room to the bathroom in 3.8 seconds while Mommy was giving brother a bath.  Then I real sneaky like pulled up on the toilet. Since the lid was closed, I figured out how to lift the lid by inching my way around the potty.  When Mommy saw what I was trying to do, she gave me the mean face.  Geez!  No "Way to go, Buddy".  Nothing.  Just the mean face and she sat me down next to the tub and brother.  

I didn't really want to be there, so I crawled back over to the potty, but this time I spotted something white and fluffy and it was just dangling there by the potty.  I reached up to feel it except when I tried to grab it, that white fluffy stuff started coming down.  Cool.  I pulled and pulled until a little brown roll showed up. I thought it was a lot of fun, but Mommy just shook her head and said to leave the toilet paper alone.  I now know what that stuff is called.  Toilet paper.  How fun!  Can't wait to try that again.

Using my massive muscles, I have also mastered turning on and off the water in Mommy and Daddy's bathroom.  What other baby does that, huh?  I'm nine months old today, and technically, I could run my own bathwater.  Sheer awesomeness.  People, just get used to it.  I'm going to do big things everyday for the rest of my life.  I need a shirt that says, "Sheer Awesomeness Right Here".  In fact, I should have had that shirt in this picture.  

{This is me, busted by Mom, but oh so proud of myself}

Chubby Cheekers


  1. Hi! I was searching online for a full size loft bed, and your blog came up. The one you pictured back in Dec. 2011 is the one I want...but can't afford. I loved your DIY (enlisting your mom's man lol) I am curious....did it save you alot to have it built? The one in the picture is $2300. UGH. I have a carpenter friend, so I can DIY too...just curious how much I need to save up. Thanks for taking the time to blog!
    Dawn Robertson

  2. The total building cost was near $600. A huge savings! It could be done for less if needed, but we went for a higher quality lumber for more support. Almost 2 years later and we are still so happy with the bed.

  3. The total building cost was near $600. A huge savings! It could be done for less if needed, but we went for a higher quality lumber for more support. Almost 2 years later and we are still so happy with the bed.
