Thursday, October 25, 2012

What Doesn't Kill You

I'm a closet Kelly Clarkson fan.  I like this song.  I like to hear it while I'm working out.  It gets me going.  Yes, I admitted it.  Yes, it's embarrassing.

Contrary to popular belief, I do not enjoy pain.  I don't particularly like running 3 miles multiple times a week.  I don't like working my legs or arms until feel like they are going to fall off.  

I like working out for one reason.  The after feeling.  I feel stronger.  I feel revived.  I feel less stressed. I feel better about my body (You know the one that popped out 3 kids). I feel like I made time for me.

Since I know how I feel when the alarm goes off early in the morning, I can identify with the reason why people shy away from doing what's necessary to keep our bodies healthy.  It's really easy to make excuses. It's really easy to talk yourself out of working out.  It's really easy to want results.  What's not easy is taking that first step.

That's where I'd like to encourage you.  I'd like for you to know that you won't regret that first step.  You may hate the pain you feel while working out, but you won't hate how your feel afterward.  In all reality, your pain is your gain.  Like Kelly says, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."  It's kinda true.

  I'd like for you to experience the high of doing work. I'd also like to workout with you.  I've talked about my friend, Erica, who began her own business, F.I.T Boot Camp.  She knows how to get you results.  She knows how to encourage.  She cares about your health.  

She offers her classes 3 mornings a week, and her next session begins Monday.  This is your chance to get the change you want.  She also began a Refer-A-Friend Program that I would like to share with you.  By sharing this, I receive absolutely nothing.  This is something that I want to share with you because I have benefited from Erica as a trainer and as a friend.  You won't just be her client.  You'll be her friend.  It's just how she is.  So here's her new program.  Now call her up!

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