Wednesday, October 24, 2012

One Of THOSE Days

Yesterday I posted this picture to Facebook...

Photo: This stage makes me want a TON more babies. Such a fun age.

With this caption...

This stage makes me want a TON more babies.  Such a fun age.

It was such a fun afternoon with the babies.  They are so animated and excitable.  So much of their day involves excitement over the littlest things.  Like Tupperware bowls.  I love just watching them explore.  It is the best.


It was time to pick Little Man up from school.  It was also time for the babies to take their 2nd nap.  I thought they'd fall asleep on the way to school and continue sleeping while waiting in the carpool line. Nope. The had a screaming match for about 20 minutes.  At this point I'm not sure who won because I've never heard decibels at that level before.  Like ever.  So I'll call it a tie.

Poor babies.  They get the shaft on their sleep sometimes.  I wish I could clone myself sometimes.  One of me could stay at the house and let the babies nap and then the other me could be there for Little Man awaiting his presence in my car ready to fully listen to his day.  Babies could sleep peacefully.  Little Man could have my undivided attention.

The hardest part is Little Man doesn't even care.  He was too worried about the babies screaming, trying to make it all better for them.  It was me with the poor attitude.  I hate that.

What's even worse is Chubby Cheekers never got his nap.  Little Man had a flag football make up game.  He did well all things considered, but my neck muscles were all balled up and my nerves were shot.  Then I thought of the irony involved with what I posted on Facebook.  Uh, NOPE!  I'm good with 3 kids.  I don't need a ton.

We finally arrived home from a very long day and Chubby Cheekers got his bath, booby, and bed.  He konked out so fast.  Deep baby sighs. Hot breath. Fresh baby lotion smell.  All snuggled in.  I loved it.  All of his screaming and fussiness just left me, and I rocked and rocked him.  It was a moment I needed and a moment he needed.  It reminded me of all the reasons why I love being a mom.  I could totally have a ton of babies...I think...

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