Thursday, October 11, 2012

Fall Fitness Festival

I love fall festivals.  Our church has one every year and it rocks.  Love it.  This year I'm also attending another Fall Festival.  This Fall Festival has a workout included.  HEY!  I'm ready for that.  I like the feeling I get from working out.  You can have that feeling too. Trust me, you may not love how you feel during the workout, but you will love how you feel afterward.   Exhilarating.

Are you wondering how you go about obtaining the exhilaration?  Well you can join me for this Fall Fitness Festival.  Here's the deets...

Photo: Ever considered working out with a pumpkin?  Yep, I have and you can too!!  FALL Fitness Fun happening Friday, October 19th.  Don't wait til the new year to act on behalf of your healthy lifestyle.  FREE for everyone!

Basically, you show up at Renaissance Park Practice Field in Broken Arrow on Friday, October 19th.  Then  you get an amazing workout, and you get to see me hurting from that workout.  It's a win-win situation.  Oh yeah, it's at 5:30am.  Did I fail to mention that part to you?  Oops.  My bad.

In all seriousness, if you are interested in attending you can leave a comment on here or on the facebook link and I will get you the specifics.  It's going to be a great morning!  Not to mention you'll be getting a workout from my favorite morning running/workout partner, Fitness Instructor, Erica McMullen.

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