Friday, October 12, 2012

Crazy As I Am

I've got a bunch of slacker readers!  Except Jamie Jones.  Everyone else, you are TROUBLE!  Yesterday she was the ONLY person who said she'd be at the FREE bootcamp session.  I suspect it's the time.  Five thirty in the morning is early.  I can relate, but I promise it will be worth it.  You will thank yourself later.  Like Erica says, "It will be over before you're even awake."  She has a lot of quotes in her back pocket.  I think I'm going to refer to them as 'Erica-isms'.

Speaking of Erica, I have a story to tell you.  First off, I need to share that I rarely find friends who are as frugal as I am, but she gives me a run for my money.  She is the ultimate dumpster diving, garage sale entrepreneur I have ever met.  You must know this before I tell you the story.

Yesterday morning I got up early to meet Erica for our morning run.  As I was walking down my street to meet her at our corner (that sounds really bad), I noticed some trash that our neighbors left out.  I stopped, checked it out, and convinced myself that I had to have it.  I walked on down to the corner, met Erica, and while we were stretching I told her of the trash I wanted to pick up off my neighbor's yard.  I told her what it was and she said, "Heck yeah, I'll help you carry it."  Now that's a friend.  Here's what I picked up.  

Got me a project. I suspect this will take me 6 months. I have a bad DIY track list .

I'd like to call it upcycling. It sounds so much better than 'I Took My Neighbor's Trash'.  Let it be known that my last DIY project took me about four months to complete.  Considering this is a larger scale item that needs sanding, a little wood putty, paint, and knobs, I could possibly get this done before the kids go to college.  Possibly.

And thank you Erica, for not being embarrassed to help me carry this from my neighbor's trash pile to my front porch.  At least it was dark out.  Couldn't be anymore embarrassing than our other neighbor we busted having a neighborly booty call.  True story, friends.  True story ;)  See what happens when you wake up early to workout?  Imagine what would happen to you if got up early and came to bootcamp.  You could possibly go home with furniture too!


  1. I am a morning person but not and early morning workout person. Just can't do it. 9:00 at night yes, 5:30am no. I made Jimmy and a friend grab a love seat that was next to a dumpster once, back in our apartment living days. I was in good condition but super uncomfortable. The free aspect won out, and we eventually gave it away when we moved.

  2. Ashley, you are off the hook. Simply because of your driving distance.
