Tuesday, September 18, 2012

The Most Awesome Sports Moment of All Time

So I mentioned yesterday that I witnessed the most awesome sports moment in my life this passed weekend.  Yes, I got to go to the OSU game and be wined and dined with the rich peeps in the Club Section, but that is not where I witnessed greatness.

I witnessed greatness earlier that morning.  It looked a little something like this...

 A little blocking action from his best bud...

...and he runs it in for a TOUCHDOWN!!!

Like I said.  The most amazing sports moment ever!  There is nothing like seeing your little boy take off down the field to score his very first touchdown.  We are some proud parents.  He worked that field like a champ.  And being the defensive guy that he is, Steven was even more pumped on his pursuit skills (his words, not mine).  All I know is he pulled a lot of flags.

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