Monday, September 17, 2012

Menu Monday

Guess what?  I blinked and the weekend was gone.  It was a blast and Steven and I had the opportunity to do something that probably was a once in a lifetime thing for us.  Not to mention we also witnessed the most awesome sports moment ever, but I'll talk about that later this week.

For this week's menu I purchased extra groceries to prepare some freezer meals.  Some nights for dinner are so crazy.  When I say some nights, I mean 5 out of 7 nights.  When I say crazy it means I have to have dinner on the table no later than 5 so I can get our family out the door and onto the nightly activities.  Not my favorite thing.

What I've decided to do to save myself on those extra crazy nights is to prepare more freezer meals.  Making double of things I'm already cooking and setting them aside for later use, in hopes of preserving my blonde hair from turning gray.  Okay, let's face it, my hair is already turning gray.  It's from my three offspring.  That's a whole other post.

Monday-Baked Ziti (double batch), Salad, Garlic Bread
Tuesday-Honey Lime Chicken (double batch), Roasted Peppers and Onions, and Rolls
Wednesday-Chili and Cornbread
Thursday-Chicken Enchiladas (double batch), Mexi-Rice, Gaucamole
Friday-Fried Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's

Learning Activities
Monday-Correct letter formation of letters in name
Tuesday-Library Day
Wednesday-Correct letter formation, Sorting and counting items over 10.
Thursday-Gymnastics Day
Friday-Correct letter formation, Counting and number matching cards

Have a Great Week!!!

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