Friday, August 24, 2012

WE Made It Through

I would have liked to give you the full report on Little Man's first day of Kindergarten, but I spent all my free time with Little Man, Little Miss, Chubby Cheekers and the Baby Daddy tonight.  Good time kissin' that boy until his face and my lips got chapped.  I'll give you the details next week.  Until then, here's my stud muffin and his awesome teacher.

And because I can't discriminate against my other cuties, here they are...

I had a friend who commented on this photo.  It cracked me up.  This is what it said...

Chubby Cheekers:  "Little Miss, you're staying with me, right?"

Geez, Chubby Cheekers, would it be so bad to just hang with your Mommy!?!

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