Thursday, August 23, 2012

It's Gone

Today is Little Man's first day of Kindergarten.  I'll update you tomorrow on how it was for our family.  You know, whether or not I held it together or was checked into the local insane asylum.

Summer break is gone.  It came and went faster than The Flash.  I'm bummed.  Certifiably bummed.  Little Man is at school all day, and we are locked into our school/sports/activities schedule.  The calendar is full, and it makes me long for the next break with all the kids.

At the beginning of summer the kids and I made a list of things we wanted to accomplish this summer.  We had so many good times, but we didn't get all our items checked off.  Mainly because of the heat and Chubby Cheekers.  He couldn't hack it and refused bottles while we tried to leave him with my mom.  Little stinker ;)  Here's what our 2012 Summer Bucket List looks like now...

  • pick berries
  • swim
  • ice cream
  • snow cones
  • Kiddie Park
  • Water Park
  • Splash Pad
  • park and picnic
  • baseball game
  • baking day
  • movie
  • pudding body paint
  • water balloon fight
  • aquarium 
  • get donuts
  • get cookies at bakery
  • zoo
  • hike (holding off until Fall)
  • swim lessons
Regardless of what we did or did not do, we were together. That's what mattered.  There were smiles and laughter everyday. That's what mattered.  That's what I love about my kids.  They wanted to be together.  No bummed faces for what we didn't do, just smiles for what we did.

Photo: Playing with poo! So fun.
{Pudding Paint.  We waited for the last days to do this one.  The kids' favorite by far.}

Good-bye Summer!  I won't miss your excessive heat, but I will miss the freedom that comes along with you.

1 comment:

  1. I made a list of all of the fun things my son did this summer as a reminder of the great times.
