Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Summer Dates

This summer has been a memorable one. It is the summer before my oldest boy, the one who is my right hand man, goes to Kindergarten. It has also been the summer where two new babies have limited us a bit in the places we can go. Two babies on top of three other kids makes getting around a bit difficult. Thankfully, Little Man and Little Miss haven't lacked in the fun department.

Almost every week, my mom has taken the kids on either a date or come to watch the babies so I can spend quality, uninterrupted time with the older kids. Not only have the kids been blessed by this, but it's been a blessing for me too. I love watching the kids have such a special relationship with her. They get to see what an amazing mom I had growing up. As amazing as she was as a mom though, she is an even more amazing grammy.

As the kids last date of summer, they could have done or gone anywhere, but you know what they wanted to do? They only wanted to go to Grammy's house, ride bikes in Grammy's neighborhood, do the slip-n-slide in Grammy's backyard, and have lunch on Grammy's back porch. They just wanted to be around her. It wasn't about what they were going to do, or what they were going to get. It was about the relationship she has built with them.

Mom, I know you are reading this and I want you to know how much I love and appreciate your love and dedication to the kids.  Thank you for spending so much time with them, and giving them such great memories of summer.

Here are some of pictures of their last summer date...

Grampy decided baby oil would make the slip-n-slide that much better.  See ya' later kids!  You're going to be in the woods.

Yep, it's slippery!

Lunch.  Love Little Miss' attitude.  She's so gangsta.

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