Monday, August 20, 2012

Menu Monday

I generally don't dread things.  It's not my style.  But if I'm being honest, I've dreaded this week for about 5 years, 9 months, 17 days, and 1 hour 23 minutes.  Basically since Little Man was born I've dreaded sending him away to school.  I thought I had a lot of time when I was holding that little stranger in my arms, but I blinked.  I blinked and he grew up.  Now it's time to let him experience Kindergarten.

Thank goodness for moms.  I've talked with my mom about this about a gazillion times.  She gave me the best advice that has allowed all my tears to stay in when I get emotional about letting my little guy go.  Instead of focusing on my feelings and what I'm losing on his first day of school, I need to look at what he's excited about.  Little Man is so pumped to meet new friends, eat lunch at school, play on a new playground, go to art, music, and P.E., and show his teacher how smart he is (his words).  Seeing how happy he is about beginning school gets me excited for him.  He's going to do so well.

Enough of my emotional drama.  There are some other exciting events this week.  Like Little Miss beginning dance class today!  She's going to be so adorable in her little pink leotard, little pink tutu, little pink tights, and little pink slippers.  AND, Little Man also starts his first practice for flag football.  Yes, it's an exciting and crazy week.  I tell you all this so you understand the craziness of my menu.  Forgive me now.

Monday-Chicken Pesto Pasta, The Bread, Salad
Tuesday-Hamburger, Fries, Fruit
Wednesday-Croque Monsieur, Fruit Salad, Raw Veggies
Thursday-Man Pleasing Chicken, Baked Potatoes, Peas
Friday-Potato Kielbasa Skillet, Honey Crescents
Saturday-Tortilla Soup and Salad
Sunday-Oven Baked Fried Chicken, Mashed Potatoes, Corn

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