Monday, July 9, 2012

Menu Monday

Yesterday I sat down with my morning coffee to check the coupons and sale ads.  I love Sundays, but yesterday I saw some very disturbing information in the paper.  Back to School early July.  JULY, people, JULY!

Now when I was a new school teacher, the back to school ads brought a tinge of excitement.  The fresh school supplies, meeting my new students, planning for a year of fun.  I loved it all.  Then I had Little Man, and a few years later Little Miss.  The back to school ads brought me to tears. It was a reminder that I would have to leave my baby, and later babies. 

The first few years of being a SAHM, the back to school ads were welcomed.  It was refreshing to see them knowing they no longer applied to me, but that has changed again.  Little Man will go back to school in the Fall and this time he will be attending all day long.  Did you catch that?  All. Day. Long.  

I'm sure some of you are wondering, "How does this apply to me and Menu Monday?" Well, technically, it doesn't.  I just needed to share that I had a mini heart attack yesterday.  Life can go on now.  Especially since I counted out 46 days that I still have with Little Man before I turn him away from me for seven hours a day.  Yikes.  Heart attack #2 just occurred.  Better get to the menu.

Monday-Turkey Veggie Spaghetti, Salad, Garlic Bread
Tuesday-Tater Beef Bake and Crescents
Wednesday-Monterey Chicken, Broccoli Casserole, Buttered Bread
Thursday-Chicken Tacos, Mexican Rice, Refried Beans
Friday-Sweet and Sour Chicken, Zucchini/Carrot Saute, Brown Rice
Saturday-Out to Dinner for Papi's Birthday

1 comment:

  1. Oh I know! I can't believe they will be back in school so soon! Sadness. Will your little man be at the same school next year, or was he a transfer? My little man keeps asking if they will be in class together:).
