Friday, April 20, 2012

French Manicure

It has been a crazy week at the Torres household.  Earlier this week I was rear ended by a lovely teenage boy following too close too fast.  His impact caused me to impact the car in front of me and that car impacted the car in front of him.  I feel like I have a phone growing out of my ear dealing with the various insurance companies representing all parties.  Not fun at all.

Thankfully, we are all safe and sound.  I had all three kids in the car with me at the time, and I'm thankful for my super sturdy Explorer.  As fast as that kid was going, you can barely see the damages in the rear.  God was keeping us safe for sure!

Not that you all want to read about my drama.  Drama is not entertainment around here.  It's trash. So how about something lighter?  Like french manicures???


I currently have a french manicure on my left hand middle finger.  I'm quite certain you are wondering why it's only on one finger.  Well, let me tell you.  You will most definitely want to cash in on this super saving tip.  In fact, the french manicure has been so effective, I will take the necessary steps complete the rest of my nails.  Are you curious how you can get a super cheap french manicure?  All you need is a tube of Desitin.  Desitin?  Yes, Desitin.

Ever since Littlest Man has been brought into our lives my middle finger (the one I use to put on his diaper ointment) has been completely stained white under the nail.  I'm sure this information is of good use to you.  In fact, I think I may have started a new trend.  You are more than welcome to send me thank you notes or hugs. I'll appreciate any gestures of thanks.

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