Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Don't Phone It In

I'm not one to need a lot of extrinsic motivation.  During childbirth class our instructor spent a moment talking with the daddies...

While you partner is experiencing the difficulties of labor reassure her she's doing a good job.  Soft touches, and whispers of how well she's performing will help her feel encouraged.

I took one look at Steven and told him if he did that I'd more than likely punch him in the face.  I knew I'd be trying my best.  I didn't need his encouragement.

That may sound really harsh, but Steven found it funny.  He knows how I am.  He knows that kind of encouragement would grate on my nerves.

I tell that story so you'll understand why I love to hate Jillian Michaels.  I love her workouts.  They are effective and efficient.  I don't need to drive to a gym.  I just throw on my clothes, put in a DVD, and sweat...and sweat...and sweat.  However, I do not enjoy her talking.

I used to think if I were on The Biggest Loser, I would like to have her as a trainer.  She's a lot tougher with her demeanor than Bob, but lately I find her sayings completely annoying.  Mainly because she uses the same ones over and over in all of her DVDs.  

Here are a few that drive me nuts...

Don't phone it in.
I don't even know what that means.  

I want to see the bad a$$ come out in you.
Seriously?  Can't you choose another word?  I've got kids running around under my feet.  

I want to bounce a quarter off your butt.
Well, I don't want you to...

Thankfully, my mom told me you can do the workouts without her voice.  Yes please!!!  I'll opt for those next time.  On second thought, maybe I'll just listen to her.  I tend to work harder when I'm annoyed.  Hey!  Maybe that's her master plan with all those annoying sayings...

Now if you are looking for some great workouts to do at home, I do recommend the workouts.  I have lost 7 lbs in the last 3 weeks doing her workouts 6 days a week.  Here are the ones I have...

Jillian Michaels - 6 Week Six Pack (DVD)     Jillian Michaels - Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism (DVD)

1 comment:

  1. I don't particularly care for in your face training but not the soft gentle kind either. Somewhere in between. I actually listen pretty well to my own pep talks oddly enough. I started jogging a few weeks ago and have lost 5 lbs!! I just have a dang shin splint which is my first ever. Boo!
