Monday, March 5, 2012

Menu Monday

I am one tired mama.  Littlest Man has been, up until this point, a great sleeper.  I'm hoping it's his little stuffy nose that has him up shortly after laying him in his bed.  Crossing my fingers that's the reason, but if it's not we'll survive this stage.  I think.  I vaguely remember surviving it two times before.  Thankfully he's the cute as a button when I'm rocking him in the middle of the night and the wee hours of the morning.  He looks a little something like this...

{Photos by MelHun Photography}

Whether or not I'm getting sleep, we still have to eat.  So here's what we're having this week...

Tuesday-Sweet and Sour Chicken, Rice, and Pineapple
Wednesday-Zucchini Bake, The Bread, Herb Salad
Thursday-Marlboro Man's 2nd Favorite Sandwich, Potato Chunks, Fresh Fruit
Friday-Fried Drumsticks, Mashed Potatoes, Corn
Saturday-Baked Parmesan Chicken, Seasoned Green Beans, Crescents
Sunday-Dinner @ Mom's...maybe...possibly...


  1. Yes! Always Sunday dinner at Mama's. How can I resist that little face? Don't you and Steven need to go on a date, too? We want the grandkids. Love you so much!

  2. Poor you! Can you elevate his bassinet/crib to help with his nose?
