Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Getting Ready

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37 1/2 weeks.  Yes, it's important that I add the 1/2 in there.  When you're at the end of your pregnancy the half counts.  It counts big time.

I have mixed emotions about the end of this pregnancy.  On one hand I'm ready to meet this baby who moves and grooves so often, but on the other hand I'm trying to enjoy the end.  This is quite possibly our last baby.  I've enjoyed the miracle of each movement even through the aches and pains.  I've tried to stop in quickness of life to realize that I have been blessed to be able to carry my child with me for this period of time. 

Last night I made the shirts for the kids to wear at the hospital...Big Brother, Big Sister, and Little Brother.  Seeing their little outfits laid out gets me ready.  

{iron ons purchased at Hobby Lobby}

I know I've mentioned before how I mourned Little Man not being the only child anymore the night before his sister was born.  This time around I only feel joy for the kids.  They are so excited.  Little Miss was excited to see her new title and Little Man was excited to gain another notch on the Big Brother Belt.

It's just all so exciting!

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