Thursday, February 9, 2012

For Your Own Viewing Pleasure

Don't forget to enter the GIVEAWAY going on this week.

I've got a real treat for you today.  Something to make you smile, or better better yet, make fun of.  It's okay.  It makes me laugh too.  I would like to introduce you to the Steven and Amanda Torres of 2001...

What I really wish I could find was the picture of us on my birthday back in 1997.  That pic screams awesomeness.  Really, it does.  I have bangs and my sweater is tucked into my jeans.  Hotness all around.

Aside from my 1997 hotness, I really want to talk about my husband.  He's like a fine wine.  He gets better with age.  Just check him out now...

This is as close to a swimsuit shot I can get you.  He's probably going to kill me for even posting this one, but I can't help it.  He's in great shape.  I like to show him off, because I sure is heck won't be showing me off in a swimsuit.  Seriously, would you want to see this in a swimsuit?

I didn't think so!

Anyway, you can obviously tell a weight difference in Steven from the past 10 years.  As most people get fatter (like me who has gained and kept 10 lbs in 10 years), my husband has lost and maintained the loss of 60 lbs in the last 10 years.  In fact, he lost 40 lbs in a matter of four months. 

Once he finished his senior season of football, he decided to take up running.  He wanted to look slim and trim for our upcoming wedding.  Every evening he would hit the training room and run and run and run.  When I think about what he accomplished now, it makes me really proud.  It also makes me wonder what in the world is wrong with me.  He got skinnier.  I got fatter.  There is something seriously wrong with this picture.

I guess after this baby is born, I'm going to have to get my college body back.  Yep, I'm gonna do it.  At least it sounds like a good plan now...maybe not so much later...


  1. I remember the rounder-faced Steven/Rene. I'm trying to remember how old I was when I met them. I was "going out" with Mitch in 5th grade and I am pretty sure they lived across from him then.

    You are all belly. How cute!!!

  2. OOh you should compare middle school pics! HA! Just kidding. I ran to my car in the rain the other day...does that count as exercize? I would love to have a stationary bike in my living room so I can ride it while watching a movie. Then I would have burned 600 calories and while being entertained!
