Monday, January 30, 2012

Menu Monday

Saturday I got to spend an evening with my closest girlfriends.  An evening I like to call, 'My Last Supper'.  My last supper for a long time with just the girls.  My superstar SIL put it all together.  It was supposed to be just a girls' night out dinner, but the girls came with gifts and the SIL came with a cake.  My Last Supper turned into a very quaint shower.

Today I put away all the goodies for Baby #3.  His room is all ready minus one very special piece of art (which will be a blog post all by itself).  All of his clothing items, blankets, and burp rags are washed and put away.  The car seat is out of the attic.  The suitcase is out waiting to be packed.  All we're waiting on is baby.  Technically, he's not supposed to make his debut until February 26th, but I'm hoping he's an early bird like his brother and sister were.  I guess we'll just wait and see.  I mean, do I really have a choice?

So as we're waitin' and seein', life will go on as normal at the Torres house.  So here's our menu...

Monday-Oven Baked Fried Chicken, Twice Baked Potatoes, Peas
Tuesday-Chicken Parmigiana, The Bread, Salad
Wednesday-Sloppy Joes, Raw Veggies with Dip, Orange Slices
Thursday-Grilled Chicken, Peppers, and Onions, Cheesy Biscuits, Fruit Salad
Friday-Seasoned Tilapia, Roasted Green Beans, Crescents
Saturday-Pre-Baby DATE day and evening!  (Thank you Mom and Michael)
Sunday-Creamy Chicken with Celery and Onions served over Biscuits

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