Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Why I Love PW

P-Dub has not received enough love on Torres Tidbits lately.  However, I was quickly reminded why I love the ranch woman so much.  She comes up with the best ideas, not only for cooking, but for cleaning up the dishes.  This recipe calls for things better than paper plates...Frito Chili Pie served in Frito snack bags. 

{pic via Pioneer Woman}

Seriously!  Does life get any better?  I think not. 

Kids, throw away your dinner.  No, seriously, go throw it away...when you're done.

I love it. Love the whole thing, and you should love it too.  Simply because I do.  The end.

1 comment:

  1. We call them 'walking tacos' here and sell them at Relay for Life. Love it!! Hope you're well!
