Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I have no doubt that if you are friends with me on Facebook, then you already know Little Man was chosen for Student of the Week.  What can I say?  I'm just a teensy bit proud. 

As Student of the Week, Little Man was able to bring home the class mascot, Froggy.  We were to document Froggy's adventures at our house to add to the Student of the Week notebook.  Since I've never been down this road before, I wanted to cheat peek at what the other parents did for the notebook.  As it turns out, I only had one other page to look at.  I sat there a little dumbfounded.  Little Man was the second kid in his class to receive the Student of the Week award.  Out of twenty kids.  Does it sound like I'm bragging?  I AM!  I am so proud of him.  I've always wanted him to have the character of his father, and the older he gets, the more I can see the resemblance.  He is definitely a little replica of Steven, and I couldn't be happier.

I'll stop now.  We all know I could go on and on and on about how awesome my little boy is, but I think we could all do that with our kids.  So instead, I'll share our weekend adventures to Froggy...

And here's what Froggy had to say about his time at our house...

Hi Class!  It’s Froggy.  I’ve been at Mason’s house this weekend in case you missed me.  Don’t worry.  He made me feel right at home.  At first I was a little sad because I missed my first friend, Savanna.  Mason was good to me and took me for a bike ride just like she did when I was at her house.  I love bike rides.  Mason would go really fast and I had to really flick out my tongue to catch the flies going by.  Those flies by his house were some of the best I’ve ever tasted.

Later that night we went to bed.  I was doing some of my sad croaking so Mason told me I could sleep with him.  I tried to tell him thank you by giving him a nice froggy kiss with my tongue.  He didn’t like that too much.  So I just cuddled up instead and had sweet dreams about those yummy flies and lily pads.

The next day I got to ride in Mason’s Papi’s sports car.  That thing went super fast.  We went to Lowe’s to build a fire truck.  I was a little worried the hammer would smash my sticky feet, but Mason was really careful to only hammer the nails.  After building the fire truck at Lowe’s we went to lunch, and Mason came home to work on his poster.  Thank goodness I was there because I had to help Mason decide on what colors to use.  I think we made some excellent choices.

On Sunday, I was introduced to the most awesome football team ever.  THE BEARS!  At Mason’s house, everyone wears their team jerseys and cheers for the Bears.  I didn’t have a jersey, so they made me a pendant to hold while cheering on the NFL’s most special team.

All in all I had a great time at Mason’s house and I’m looking forward to visiting your house too!

Rrrr-iiib-bit, Oops!  I mean…


1 comment:

  1. You're such a good mommy. Little Man looks so proud. The Froggy adventure pics are adorable. What a nice story to share with the class. I wish I could have been in there to hear the giggles.
