Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Road Trip

Sometimes you just need to get away. So we did. We got away for a day. That's it, but it was good enough. We all loaded up early morning Saturday and headed to Pops in Arcadia, OK via Route 66. My mom and her husband Michael even came along for the adventure. Little Man's and Little Miss' super cool Papi came too, but he rode his Harley. See what I mean about cool?

I have to say we loved Pops. We don't drink Pop very often so to be able to pick out a really good one out of literally 500 old time bottles, was a treat. I chose Root Beer to share with Little Miss. I try to not do caffeine while preggo, and Little Miss definitely doesn't get to have any. After contemplating over 20+ different types of Root Beer, I finally decided on the Route 66 Root Beer. It just seemed appropriate for the day. Steven chose a Waialua Cream Soda, while Little Man opted for the Jelly Belly Strawberry pop. It basically tasted like liquid candy. My mom chose the Route 66 Cream Soda, and her husband chose coffee. Yes, you read that right. We drove 200 miles round trip and he didn't even try a pop. Just coffee. As for Papi, he picked himself out some Russian Lemonade. I didn't try it, but it looked like perfection in a bottle.

Aside from drinking our caloric intake for the day we also stayed to eat in the diner. All things fried. I distinctly remember thinking that I should not eat a hamburger and onion rings because my stomach would kill me later, but did I listen to my own little voice...NOPE. Did I pay for it later? YES. Would I do it again? YEP! What can I say? I like to toture myself.

After stuffing our faces and slurping down the best pop we've ever had, we drove a mile down the road to the The Round Barn, and iconic Rt 66 Landmark. Another must see, but I can safely say once you've seen it, you don't really need to again. Especially if you travel with a man who videoed the entire visit on his phone and interviewed Butch, The Round Barn conceierge. If you ever feel inclined to watch the 10 minute video, feel free to contact Steven Torres at 1-800-543-DORK. He'll be happy to show you. I, on the other hand, just have pictures...

{Little Man and Papi going to check it out}

{Little Miss and Michael were not far behind}

{They thought the horse was real}

And because he's made me watch the 'Butch Video' one too many times, I'm going to show you this picture.  If there's not a blog post tomorrow, you'll know he killed me...

{Nothing like some Chili Cheese Fries...yummy ;)  }

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  1. You captured our day well. I'm still smiling over what a great adventure it was being with those I cherish. Next time? No onion rings!!

  2. Well your road trip looked much more fun than ours was. I'm ditching Jimmy next time and going with you! HA!

  3. We haven't been yet! I have seen several people on fb that have gone over the summer. Gonna have to make that trip soon! =)
