Thursday, September 8, 2011

Creamy Chicken, Noodles and Peppers

Wednesday evenings are challenging for me.  I think I've mentioned before that we serve at our church on Wednesday night.  In order to make it on time we have to leave the house by 5:45pm.  To get the house picked up from the day, dinner made, and kids presentable is a real challenge for me. 

When thinking of our weekly menu I keep in mind something that is easy to make and easy to consume for Wednesday nights.  I also try to keep our weekly grocery budget down too.  Keeping those two things in mind, the Creamy Chicken, Noodles, and Peppers was born.

It's a combination of combining good sales with a good coupon.  The recipe is nothing new.  Nothing too exciting, but fairly easy to make and yummy.  A rich, creamy, filling dish.

So here's the break down of the ingredients and the cost of each item...

Creamy Chicken, Noodles, and Peppers

4 boneless skinless chicken breasts, thawed (I used half a bag of frozen chicken breasts=$3.00)
3 Tbsp olive oil
2 Tbsp butter
1 yellow bell pepper, coarsely chopped ($.33)
1 red bell pepper, coarsely chopped ($.33)
1 small onion, coarsely chopped ($.45)
1 10oz tub of Philadelphia Cooking Cream Italian Cheese and Herb ($1.30 using a coupon)
1 box of whole wheat penne ($1.00 after price matching)
Salt and Pepper to taste

Total cost of ingredients=Roughly $6.40 or $1.60/person with two containers of leftovers.  Not too shabby!

Here's what I did...
  • Heat oil and butter in a deep skillet  (I used my Creuset pot).
  • Salt and pepper chicken and cook in pot with lid on until juices run clear.
  • Cook noodles according to package directions.
  • Without draining liquid from the chicken, toss in peppers and onions.  Cook for about 5 more minutes.
  • Remove chicken and slice in thin strips.  Return to pot.
  • Add in Philadelphia Cooking Cream.
  • Add in noodles and serve.
That's it.  Pretty simple, inexpensive, and really delicious.  Enjoy!

Happy Cooking!!!


  1. That sounds really good! Well except for the bell peppers. I will definitely making this soon!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
