Thursday, September 1, 2011

How To Gain Weight

No one really talks of it in this manner.  Most articles talk say, "Lose 10 Pounds in a Week", or "Eat What You Want and Stay Thin".  Frankly, I find these articles completely annoying.  We all know 'how' to lose weight, but we don't really want to do it.  Wait.  Am I speaking just for myself? 

As I sit here eating the rest of my Harvest Cheddar Sunchips, I know I should have cut myself off about 50 chips ago, but my hand still keeps dippin' back in the bag.  I could have opted for the carrots, but I made a choice.  Instead I'll be dragging myself out bed early three times a week to run off whatever I ate the night before.  Is it the healthiest?  No.  Does it make me happy to lick the cheddar off my fingers? Yes.

So instead of talking about how to lose weight, I'm going to tell you how to gain it.  Join Pinterest.  The end.  Then you can dream of cooking up this...

These could be dangerous.

Or this...
Oh my goodness Reese's cheesecake brownies.  If someone made this for me, I'd cry.

Or even this...
Homemade Girl Scout Cookies: Samoas Bars...MY FAVORITE!

Now that you have my weight gaining secrets, let's start posting our weight gains.  I bet I can outdo you for the next 6 months!

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