Friday, September 2, 2011

Hitting the Pavement and More

Before kids Steven and I would meet at the gym after work and workout for at least an hour and a half before heading home to a leisurely dinner together.  Then we had Little Man and I started running.  I just couldn't work all day, pick him up and head to the gym.  More time away from him was a no go.  Thankfully, I have a wonderful husband who would push the jogging stroller while we ran together.  Then I had Little Miss.  Free time was few and far between so my only work out time came in the form of an after dinner walk as a family.  I can't really say I benefited much from those walks other than I WAS moving instead of sitting.

I've mentioned before that I like the Jillian Michael's workouts on Cox OnDemand, but now that I am preggers (again) it's hard to motivate myself when the couch is calling my name.  Instead I've been hitting the pavement with a neighborhood friend three times a week. 

I can't say I thoroughly enjoy running, but I do enjoy the after feeling.  I haven't quite found anything as efficient as running before the kids wake up.  Needless to say, I'm asking for some advice.  All the peeps with crazy schedules out there, what do you do to stay in shape?  If you are going to mention a raw food diet, just stop right there.  We all know I won't go there.  At least not now.  Maybe I'll be in such dire straits post baby #3 that I will in fact cut out my beloved carbs and sugars.  I highly doubt it though.

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