Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Menu Tuesday

It was a late night.  I'm assuming it was a late night for you.  After many recommendations, we decided to stay put in our neighborhood to watch the show here.  We were not disappointed.  Never in my life have I seen so many fireworks.  Ever.  For 3 straight hours the sky was never dark.  It was amazing.  Not to mention our great neighbors and friends who camped out in front of our house.  The kids played and the men blew things up.  Highlight of the evening...The Sparkler Bomb.  A handmade bomb created by none other than Steven Kueny.  Once the other men saw our 5 gallon bucket shoot up at least 50 feet in the air, they came over to see how he did it.  It has to be a man thing.  I've never dreamed of blowing anything up.  That's a lie.  I sometimes dream of blowing up my laundry pile, but that's a different issue.

Here's the menu...

Tuesday-Mexican Lasagna, Arroz con Gandules, Corn Saute
Wednesday-Leftovers...way too much from 4th of July
Thursday-Baked Chicken, Garden Salad, Italian Bread
Friday-BBQ Chicken Quarters, Broc-N-Cheese, Fruit Salad
Saturday-Dinner Out
Sunday-Hello, Mom.  How 'ya doin'?  We might be crashing your house.  Consider this your warning.

I hope your week is wonderful! 

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