Friday, June 10, 2011

When You Need Your Mama

My wonderful, loving, handsome husband is out of town on business.  Yes, he's out of town the day before we leave for our family vacation.  I love the man dearly, but this trip (although not his fault) has really thrown me for a loop.  Packing, cleaning, packing, cleaning, laundry, shopping, packing, cleaning pretty much sums up my last 24 hours.  This packing a family of four stuff alone is for the birds, not for me.

When I get to the point where I don't think I can handle it anymore, I do what any self respecting woman does.  I call my mama.  She likes to listen to me.  Wellll, maybe not 'likes', but she does.  She gives me sympathy at the right time, and then reminds me that my husband is awesome and takes his side.  Yes, she loves him a whole lot more than me.  I can understand why.  I guess.

Enough of my grumbling.  I really need to finish packing...and cleaning...and that last stinkin' load of laundry.  However, I want to leave you with one final clue.  We will be in one of these five states...

I sure hope you know your state flags well enough to narrow it down!  Sorry, the school teacher in me just can't reveal answers. I have to make you think.  I may even throw out some hints of other state facts so time to study up!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.  Don't forget to check back here next week for some giveaways, decorating ideas, a new recipe, and my vacation reveal.  I will miss you all dearly.  So much so I may even cry myself to sleep.


  1. I vote for South Carolina. You aren't going to Colorado (I think) because of your very first clue the other day. And no I don't know my flags, I had to look them up. Exept Colorado, I knew that one!

  2. ok I love you...but I am this close to punching your guessing game in the face! Can you tell that patience is one of my weaker qualities?? So are you going to Florida? Destin maybe! I loved loved loved Destin with all of my heart when we went a few years ago.

  3. Yes, your mama loves you beyond measure. I delight in every phone call and days spent with you are pure joy. I love your hubby, too. He's just what I prayed for - a great and godly man for a great and godly daughter. Happy Trails, sweetie. See you at the final destination.
