Thursday, June 9, 2011

It's Not Fair

Earlier this week I mentioned we were going on vacation in the near future.  It really wasn't fair that I didn't tell you where we were going, and I only left you with one pic of where weren't going.  Since I hate being unfair I thought I'd give you a few more clues.  Next week I'll give you the big reveal. Yes, I'm going to make you wait that long.  I love the suspense of it all.  For all you know I could be going to the next town down the road, OR I could be going somewhere exotic.  The fact of the matter is I am going somewhere with my little family and I am excited, but here are a few places you can rule out as our vacation destination. 

We are not going here...
I've never been to France, but I'd like to go.  Someday.  Someday. Someday, but not this day.  We are also not going to be here...

I can't really say that I've dreamed about going to China, but if someone offered to send me I'd go in a heartbeat.  Somehow traveling to China doesn't sound fun with a four and two year old.  This next place would be fun with my little chitlins, but we're not going here either...

This will probably be our next big vacation.  I'll have to start saving my pennies for this trip.  We'll want to cram in as much as possible, and as much as possible isn't free.  However, I'm confident I won't pay an arm and a leg to do it.  Too frugal.  Speaking of frugal, I did get a good deal on this trip.  No, I'm still not telling you where we're going.  Not until next week.  I may even post pics of our drive.  There's a clue for you...we are within driving distance.

I also have some other exciting news for you.  Since I plan on not taking my computer, I do have a list of upcoming posts for you.  You will want to check them out.  Here's what's on the schedule...
  • A DIY, decorating guest post from Jesse @ Good Girl Gone Glad
  • A giveaway from Banana Papers (this is pretty exclusive because Jamie of Banana Papers has closed her store indefinitely, but handed over one of her very last items)
  • G-Dawg, who introduced us all to G-Dawg's Stuffed Burritos, has another recipe up her sleeve
  • A giveaway from F.I.T Boot Camp
  • AND, the big reveal of our vacation location!  I know, contain your excitement folks.
As for tomorrow, I'll be dishin' out a few more vacation clues!  If you guess our location, I'll give you a million dollars.  If you actually believe that, then I'll give you 2 million dollars.  If you actually believe that, then you are super duper gullible.  I will not be handing out any cash!


  1. Sea World in San Antonio!! That was my first "big" vacation that I took my kids on and paid for ALL of it by myself! So like you, I was frugal. I researched discounts, etc. and ended up getting some AWESOME deals.

    I cannot wait to see Ginger's next recipe. I'm more excited about that then your vacation. Haha! Sorry but I like food!

  2. I was going to guess Sea World too but I really have no idea where you could possibly be going. You havent posted a picture of a beach though...

  3. I know, but I won't tell :) I did get an email together, hope it helps.

  4. You ladies have some good guesses! Alice, you should be very excited about Ginger's recipe. It's a good one. I started salivating by the 5th ingredient!
