Tuesday, May 31, 2011


I hope your past weekend was full of family, friends, and relaxation.  That's the perfect weekend at the Torres household.  Given an opportunity to tour the world or spend time with friends and family relaxing, well, we'd choose friends and family relaxing.  And now I'm totally lying out my wa-zoo.  I love to travel.

Traveling or not, I have a menu for this week minus a Monday. Monday doesn't count because I'm fairly certain you already ate your Monday meal.  I know, call my a psychic.  I'm just that smart.

Tuesday-Dijon Crumb Chicken, Fresh Green Beans, Fruit Salad
Wednesday-Tater Beef Bake with Spiced Honey Butterflake Rolls
Thursday-Breakfast for Dinner
Friday-Hot Dogs, Spring Potato Salad, Garden Salad
Saturday-Grilled Baslamic Chicken, Spinach Strawberry Salad, Corn on the Cob
Sunday-Mom?  Can we come over...puh-lease?


  1. Love me some breakfast for dinner! What is this Dijon Crumb Chicken you speak of? Recipe, please!

  2. Alice, the recipe for Dijon Chicken will be coming up this week!

  3. Dijon Crumb Chicken?!? This sounds delicious. I'm waiting patiently for that recipe... :)
