Monday, May 23, 2011

Menu Monday

This is one of those weeks where your thankful for good friends, family, and neighborhood simply because they provide you dinner.  It's the little things in life that appease me.  I also like large sums of money, so feel free to throw some my way.  Seriously.  When writing out your check, you spell million M-I-L-L-I-O-N...just trying to help you out.  You know me, Mrs. Helpful!

Back to the matter at hand, dinner.  Three nights this week, I will not be cooking dinner.  Nope, not I.  I will be wined and dined by the Casa de Torres, Casa de Jones, and our neighborhood block party.  Feel free to check out other weekly menus under the 'Menu' label in the right hand column for more ideas.  Ya' know, in case you've actually have to prepare all your meals this week.

Monday-Ultimate Club Sandwiches, Sweet Potato Fries, and Fruit Salad
Tuesday-Dinner @ Rene and Lindsay's (Casa de Torres)
Wednesday-Hamburgers and Chips with Pineapple Salsa
Thursday-Grilled Chicken, Mac-N-Cheese, Spinach Salad with Peppers and Feta Cheese
Friday-Dinner @ the Jones' (Thank you, Jamie)
Saturday-Annual Block Party
Sunday-Bacon Chicken Roll-Ups, Zucchini Cakes, Steamed & Broiled Asparagus

I hope you have a wonderfully blessed week.  I know I will.  When you expect great things (like million $ checks), you get great things.  I'm expecting great things for you too.  So here's to a mailbox full of surprises.  Who knows, you might just get a little surprise just like I received from JLP.  Thank you JLP for blessing me!


  1. Ah block parties. I remember my street having those when I was little. We even had one for 4th of July. I have noticed a couple of our neighbors having a little get together before but we weren't invited. That's OK because 1. we aren't big social butterflies and 2. some of them are kinda gossipy so we would rather not associate with them!

  2. I am making 2 of your dinners this week. Monterey chicken and stuffed burritos! I want to come to a block party!
