Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Couponing For A Cause

I've often talked about how to reach some of your financial goals through couponing, but there's really a bigger purpose for using your hard earned money wisely.  Giving.  We live on such a fixed income, that handing out cash can sometimes be difficult.  Even though we believe that you can't outgive God (Malachi 3:10-11), we still try to get creative in the manners in which we give.

Couponing is one way that my family is able to give immediately.  We have a small stockpile of items (not extreme).  I maintain a stockpile for two reasons.  Reason #1:  It keeps me from paying full price later on when I need an item.  Reason #2:  When circumstances arise, I shop my own unused items and donate.

{Photo from ABC News: AP}

As Steven and I watched the footage of the devastation from a massive tornado in Joplin, MO my heart sank.  Parents with their little children walking in the rain with no where to go, nothing to eat, no shoes, no way to get out of town until the light of day arrives 10 hours later.  I can't even imagine what that would be like.

Right now my stockpile is not large, and I'm wishing I was a hoarder like on Extreme Couponing so I could unleash a HUGE stockpile on these people.  Since I don't, I'm asking for your help.  Joplin, MO is so close to us, there are many organizations that are making 'runs' up to the area.  Please, please, please pull your extra items and give.  You will bless others in a time of need, and in return you will be blessed...

Luke 6:38 Give and it shall be given to you.  A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap.  For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.

Seriously, I have lived this.  My life is this verse.  In a time where we make less money than we did when we were first married, we see the benefits and rewards of being a giver.  Not giving actually frightens me.  For the measure you use, it will be measured to you...I don't want people to be stingy with me, so I don't want to be stingy with others.  Strangers or not.  Go ahead.  Try out this giving stuff.  You'll love it.

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