Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Growing Pains

Growing pains.  I've got them.  I used to think it growing pains were for little guys, but nope.  I've developed a bad case as an adult.  You see, I've got this pain in my chest and it's growing.

Yesterday I turned in Little Man's application for our public school's Pre-K program.  It hurts.  Steven and I know it's time to send him, but I don't want to let go.  Sending him to school was not a light decision.  We did a lot of looking into programs public and private.  When it came down to it our local public school was the best fit for him right now.  There's a teeny tiny part of me that is very excited for him, but I'm a selfish mommy. I want my little smoochie-poo to stay little forever.  And ever.  And ever. 

To go along with my somber mood today, I put together a little collage of my Little Man.  My boy.  My precious little gift.  I love him so very much.  Thank goodness I'll still have Little Miss and Chunky Monkey to keep me busy.  I don't know what I'll do when they leave me.  Hmmm...maybe a third child is a great idea after all!
Tomorrow I'll have a new recipe for you, but no promises.  I might have to throw together a collage of Little Miss and Chunky Monkey.  I may still be emotional tomorrow.


  1. It looks like this is one more thing I passed on to you. Cutting the apron strings is not for wimps. Mommy heart strings just don't detach. I'm having a few Grammy meltdowns myself about Mason going off to school next year. Love you!

  2. I am 95% positive that on K's first day of PreK she will run off to play forgetting that we even exist for the moment. It is a little easier for me since she is not with me every single day. But it is a big step and I am in the same boat with you.

  3. Sending them to school is fun, but hard. It's fun to see them so excited about new friends, school work, learning songs, etc. But it is hard because this is just another step in them growing up :( try sending your daughter off to middle school...that was hard this year!

    Yum NEW recipe...I'll try it in 3 freaking weeks!! LOL!

  4. It is hard to let them go! I am a crier... about lots of things that have to do with my kiddos. Sad when they say, "makes ya cry doesn't it mom?". lol
