Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Clubbing and Awkward Family Photos

It's true.  We went clubbing on Easter Sunday.  Being the rebels we are, we hit up church on Saturday night so we wouldn't miss out on the Sunday morning clubbing.  Country Clubbing that is.  What?   You actually thought we went dancing on Easter Sunday?  What kind of heathens do you think we are?  Wait. Don't answer that question.  I don't want to know.

Chunky Monkey's parents are new members at one of the country clubs in our area, and they invited us to Sunday Brunch.  Just the thought of brunch at a country club made me want to only talk in my uppity British accent.  For every one's sake, I didn't.  However, I did teach Lindsay's cousin's little girl how to drink at The Club.  Pinkies up, ladies. 

{I am the master at teaching useless knowledge}

The brunch was really yummy.  I'm not sure if it was yummy because I was in a country club, or if it was yummy because I didn't cook it.  There's really not enough time in the day to ponder which is which. 

After consuming enough calories to hold me over for a week, we went to the balcony to take some rainy day pics.  I'm not sure if you've ever visited the site Awkward  Family Photos or not, but I'm thinking of sending in our Easter family photo...
{Hello Debbie Downers}

And then there's this one...
{Is that a choke hold or a hug?}

I think I'll cherish these photos more than the perfectly posed ones.  This is a true indication how our family lives.  We lead a crazy, crazy life and we find complete humor in it.

And because I love seeing my kids love on each other...

{Aren't they sweet?}

1 comment:

  1. Definitely send the choke hold to Awkward Family Photos...too funny!
    Your family is beautiful!
