Thursday, March 17, 2011

Wanted. Single Females.

Today, Torres Tidbits is turning into  In my feeble attempt to find a cute little lady for a great guy.  I'm fairly certain he is going to kill me after reading this...

Ladies, are you looking for love?  Do you long for a man in uniform?  Someone who can protect you from harm?  Well do I have the man for you, and NO it is not my husband.  I wrangled that cowboy long ago, so you'll have to make do with this young hunk of a man...Romulus Gregory.

Romulus is a single, white male in his mid-late twenties living in the Tulsa Metro area.  He's 5'2 and 465lbs.  Gotcha!  He's (totally guessing here) 6'1 and has a strong stature.  He's currently working for the most awesome church in the USA, Church on the Move (no bias here), as part of the security team.  In his free time he is studying Law Enforcement, which he is only a few weeks away from graduating the academy.  Romulus also serves the Bixby PD as a reserve officer.  Outside of his work ethic, Romulus enjoys riding his Harley, working out, and reading romance novels.  At least I think he likes to read romance novels. Okay, he doesn't read romance novels.

Since Romulus refuses to send me pictures I'm posting his celebrity look a like...Fabio...
Kidding.  He looks more like this...
At least that's who he chose, so you know he has a good sense of humor.  All kidding aside.  I've known Romulus for about 5 years.  If you are interested or know someone who could benefit from knowing a guy like Romulus shoot me an email at wispclips(at)hotmail(dot)com.  I'm totally serious here.  I like for people to owe me, and if I find Romulus love then he will owe me B.I.G. T.I.M.E.

This ad paid for by Romulus Gregory.
Really it's not, I've just always wanted to say that.

P.S. G-Dawg, also known as Ginger, if you have any pics of Romulus PLEASE email them to me. 

Romulus, could you please not carry your gun to church on Wednesday night because I have a feeling you'll be inclined to use it after reading this ;)

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