Friday, March 18, 2011

A Impromptu Staycation

Steven got off work a little early yesterday and we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather.  The kids haven't been on a hike since Little Miss was a baby bouncing around in the Bjorn while this recovering postpartum mommy breathed heavily through the terrain.  Since I'm in better shape this go round, we opted for a family hike.  Once we found the perfect location, we hopped out and went on an adventure.
After a good while we came across a creek bed that was down an embankment.  Since the deer tracks led straight to the running stream, we followed.  Little Man was convinced the deer were down there quenching their thirst at that very moment.  Of course they weren't, but after the kids got into the water the thought of deer went right down the stream with the pebbles and dead leaves.  They enjoyed every moment of our impromptu staycation.
Since we went around dinner time, we were starving.  After a little coercing, the kids decided to follow us back up to the embankment.  Thank goodness this little hiking excursion was behind my mom's house.  Truth be told we were already having dinner there that night.  Soooo, a big thanks to my mom and Micheal for choosing such a rockin' location for their house, and for taking us on such a cool hike.


  1. Look at those collages with text and numbers! Good job Amanda! Lol! Where did you get Little Man's binoculars? Kiera is always wanting to play with her Papa's but can't because they are NICE.

  2. I'm glad you like our little wilderness adventure. Love those hikes! It's good for the soul. We love you, Mom and Michael

  3. So fun! It has been great weather for hiking! =)
