Thursday, March 10, 2011

Anniversary & Name Reveal

It's been a week since I've had this lovely, lovely kitchen appliance...

She is a beaut.  A real beaut.  She also makes my life so much simpler.  I've told her this everyday. It's important to reiterate your feelings often when beginning a new relationship.  I want her to feel loved and valued, because it's the way she makes me feel.  I also felt it very necessary to name her.  She's not like the other KitchenAid Mixers.  She's my KitchenAid Mixer.  And, MY KitchenAid Mixer gets a name. 

Before I reveal her name to you, I should make it known that I gave her zip, zero, zilch time getting acclimated to her surroundings, and she performed beautifully with the multitude of tasks I threw her way.  Therefore, I decided she needed a strong name.  A silly frilly name like Rosie Red just won't do for my lady.  She's bold.  After throwing a few names around, we finally agreed on one.  Are you ready?  My KitchenAid Mixer is named...(drum roll please)...

Big Bertha

Big Bertha has been properly welcomed as the 5th member of our family, and we have enjoyed the many fruits of her labors.  Big Bertha, I love you.  You have slithered your way into my heart (and stomach) in ways others cannot.  Thank you, Big Bertha. Thank you.

In celebration of Big Bertha's one week anniversary, I would like to share with you what she has whipped up in her short life...
As you can see Big Bertha has earned her name.  Now I'm curious to see if I'm the only weirdo that names my kitchen appliances?  Anyone?  Anyone? Hello...?  Is anyone out there?  Oh well, I think I lost my one reader.


  1. you forgot to mention that big bertha also made a vanilla glaze for our cake the other night:)

  2. If I were to name my my mixer, which I haven't, her name would be Helga. Big strong robust woman showing the stuff I throw at her really who's boss!
