Monday, January 24, 2011

Menu Monday

It's been a sad weekend at the Torres house.  We've had a loss.  A big loss.  You see, we're huge Bears fans and they had a humiliating loss yesterday.  I can't even talk about it.  Here's the menu...

Monday-Balsamic Lemon Chicken, Fried Potatoes, Green Beans
Tuesday-Dinner @ the Kueny's
Wednesday-Smoked Salmon, Zucchini Pancakes (thanks Joy), Honey Bread
Thursday-Monterrey Chicken, Peas, Salad
Friday-BBQ Chicken Quarters & Sweet Potato Fries
Saturday-Birthday Party (Happy Birthday Ethan!)
Sunday-Baked Ham, Stuffing, Rolls, Corn

I'm hoping to recover soon.  You are more than welcome to send your condolences.  Flowers and large sums of cash are accepted ;)

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