Thursday, December 2, 2010

An Audience of Readers

When I'm out in public I run into people I know who comment about reading this blog.  A lot of times I have to ask, "What blog? My blog?"  It shocks me.  People read what I have to say?  I sure hope they don't really take my advice.  Unless it's advice that comes via The Pioneer Woman.  She's awesome.  (By the way, if you know her, hook me up with a meet and greet!  I might pull an Ellen and start a campaign to meet TPW.  I mean, she's in the same state as me.  OKLAHOMA!)  Okay, back to the blog thing...Originally, I started this blog to keep family in touch.  Then I started sharing family recipes.  Then I shared about the adventures of being a teacher.  You just never know what you're going to get these days.  From the nice pile of leftovers on my hardwood floors to encouraging you to be you, it's all in here.  All of this to say, if you read this blog leave me a comment sometime.  I love reading them.  I cherish them.  I write them down on little fuzzy pieces of heart shaped paper.  Then I snuggle with them all night long. 

Enough about the comments.  I really write this blog because it's my own little piece of an adult world.  A world free of food splatters, sippy cups leaks, and stinky booties.  A world free of whining, crying, and thrashing.  I do love being a SAHM, but I also like doing things that have a purpose for me.  Writing has a purpose for me.  Cooking has a purpose for me.  Lists have a purpose or me.  I don't do idle very well.  I'm always moving. Always thinking.  Always doing. So whether you enjoy my crazy tangents or you just feel sorry for my lack of normalcy, I'm glad you stop by.  I'm thankful that you do.  So bringing this post to a close I'll leave you with this deep, deep quote...

I feel a very unusual sensation - if it is not indigestion,
I think it must be gratitude.
- Benjamin Disraeli


  1. You are great!! I love reading your blog because it makes me feel 'normal' (whatever that is?!?). I think everyone, especially SAHM's can relate to needing a connection to the outside world. You put the smallest and most simple daily routines into funny, practical advice. Thanks for always having a great word and making me laugh... I love your writing!

  2. I love reading your blog Amanda!! I love your wit:) I can live vicariously through your blog. I would love to be a SAHM.
