Friday, December 10, 2010

Who Done It?

"L'Escargot at 6:30pm sharp".  That was what the invitation had said.  Brief and to the point.  Being the owner of the restaurant, I was a bit perturbed.  How dare someone invite a group to MY restaurant and not give me the details.  At first I was relieved to have at least received a guest list, but after further review I was agitated.  People like this showed up...

Mr. Jerry Barton, a former military man (I suspect he is with the CIA), and his wife, Mrs. Nicole Barton.  She only married Jerry as a ticket to the United States.  Being a fellow French woman, I like her.  However, I know she's informing Jerry of my personal matters.

And then there's my brother and his girlfriend, the nude model.  I really don't care for her too much.  She's always pressuring him to marry her.  I mean, just look at her trying to be all sweet...

And then there's Derrick Worthington.  He's such a sweetie, but I heard he killed a man in South America.  You'll notice Mercedes Morales is always by him.  She's trying to win him back by making sure he sees her flirting with the other guest.  What a hussy!

See what I mean.  There are appetizers to be served, Arnold!

Of course I (Yvonne) was there.  This is one of my waiters, Arnold Cohen, working for the night.  Unfortunately, I suspect he and his brother are not the Boston College students they claim to be, but I like to keep him around.  He's great eye candy.

Here's the other waiter, Benjamin Cohen.  I should have fired him for being out of uniform.  He's also pictured with the town socialite and front desk worker.

I also should have fired his brother, Arnold.  He was getting a little too cozy with Jerry Barton.  I don't like that man.  Not one bit.  Arnold, get back to work!

Other guests were in attendance, but the pictures took a backseat to the murder.  During dinner a guest at my restaurant dropped dead.  Funny how the wait staff, the Cohen Brothers, were absent during dinner.  Yes, boys we suspect you killed Roger Worthington!  What we didn't know was why...

That's just a brief synopsis of our Murder Mystery weekend in Guthrie, OK.  We had a lot of fun. Something completely different and out of our element. It was wonderful to get to experience this with so many different people.  Here's the group...
The only element I was disappointed with was the return home.  I completely expected the next picture to carry on once we returned to the casa...
Unfortunately, Steven said his 'acting' time was over!!!

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