Thursday, December 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Boys!

Today is the day that Steven, Rene (Steven's twin), and Jaime (S & R's uncle) turn 32.  THIRTY TWO!  That's old.  I remember when they were 18.  I have to say they have all grown up fairly well.  Found good jobs.  Got themselves excellent wives, and have some beautiful children.  Pretty good accomplishments so far.  I say so far, because SO FAR no one has become a millionaire.  One of these days boys. One of these days.  So happy birthday Steven, Rene, and Jaime.  I'm proud to be associated with each one of you, but I super duper proud to be associated with one in particular...

My husband of almost 8 years, Steven Rene Torres.

If you don't know my husband, I strongly suggest you get to know him.  He's the best man I know.  He's given me so many wonderful memories over all the years I've known him.  Men don't get better than this.  Yes, I know you have a good man ladies.  Unfortunately, you don't have one this good ;)  It's okay, we can't all be lucky.  I just happen to sink my teeth in this fellow back in the 90's.  To prove he's the best man ever, I'm going to leave you with the Top 10 List of Steven Torres.
  1. He's a strong leader for our family.  If you know me at all, you know I NEED a strong leader.  Otherwise I think I'm the chief.
  2. He sacrifices what he would like to do personally to be with our family.  He always tells me, "There will be a time to do that, but the time is not now."
  3. He works hard, but rarely brings work home.  Work is at work and home is at home.
  4. He plays and plays and plays with the kids.
  5. He's the most mentally tough person I know.  There's nothing he can't do physically.  He's a machine.
  6. He's hot!  (just had to throw that in)
  7. He's willing to change and admit he's wrong.  I could learn something from him ;)
  8. He's humble.
  9. He's got a great sense of humor, especially around his brother.
  10. Besides his relationship with God, family is his #1.  Our family, his family, my family.  They're all #1.
Happy Birthday, Steven!   I love and appreciate you very much!


  1. In all the multitude of ways I am so very proud of you, my precious daughter, this post brings great pride. Your love for Steven brings tears of joy knowing you not only followed your heart, but God's leading in the choice of your mate. It blesses me to see how you honored your husband on his32nd birthday. Steven is a man after God's own heart. He stole mine, too, from the moment we met. Just when I thought no one could be worthy of you, God sent the top shelf guy. I love you both beyond words.

  2. I just cried reading what your mom wrote. Reminds me of the new Carrie Underwood song that she sings for her momma. Happy Birthday!!
