Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to My Baby Girl!!!

My baby is TWO!  Excuse me a second...sniff, sniff...

Little Miss is two.  She's on the path to toddlerhood.  I don't like it.  At all.  Not one bit.  If I could keep her my little teeny weeny girl forever and ever, I would.  Potty trained, of course. 

Last night, Steven and I went through some of her pictures birth until now.  Can we say, "Baby fever"?  Yep, I got it.  She was so tiny in all the pictures, and now she's so...she's so...she's so...big.  Relatively speaking.  I don't think you can call a sopping wet 20 pounder big, but she's big to us.  A big girl. 

My little girl a day old...

 And at her first birthday party...
It was her party, she can cry if she wanted to.  And she did.  Apparently, you don't mess with Little Miss' balloon.

Stay tuned for her party pics.  Including a brief lapse of sanity on my part and a homemade rainbow cake.  This could turn out really great, or really comical.  I'm banking on great because I've called in the troops, and by troops I mean Jamie Jones, to help me with the cake.  Jamie, have I mentioned I love ya!  Who else would come over to assist with a birthday cake?  Oh, it has to do with a free dinner?  Will you change your mind if I tell you it's just burgers?