Thursday, October 14, 2010

An All Time Low

On Monday I was running errands which included grocery shopping.  I was sitting in line at the bank and saw a Walmart Neighborhood Market right in front of me.  Looking at the time, I decided I could make the most of my time if I did my shopping there.  I was about a fourth of the way throught my trip when I noticed the prices of the items I usually purchase were increasing.  I stood there contemplating the time over money scenario...then I high tailed it out of there.  Money was more important than my time in that case.  It would have cost me an additional $20 to shop there as opposed to my normal Walmart.

Once I arrived at my normal Walmart (only 5 or 6 miles away), I asked the Customer Service Department why the prices were so different.  She let me in on a little secret.  Not all Walmarts in a city are priced the same.  Their pricing depends on competitors in the area.  I found that extremely funny considering there is only one other grocery competitor in our local area.  She went on to say that's why the Walmart at the 71st and 145th location is cheaper than this one.  SAY WHAT?  I have been paying more to shop at this Walmart, when the the cheaper Walmart is not even that far away from me.  HELLO!  Penny pincher here.  I'll be changing Walmarts!

So, there's my story for an all time low in frugalness!  Or maybe it's a high, depending on who you are...


  1. It's also true of many of the things we buy from Target. Super Target's prices (for many things) were cheaper than Target's prices over here by my house.
