Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Two Thirds of My Heart

In a couple of weeks, two thirds of my heart will be ripped out and taken 600+ miles away.  I'm not handling this very well.  There have been tears.  Quite a few tears.  I have no idea what I'll do when Little Man goes off to college. Well, I do have one idea that involves his other bunk bed.  He likes the idea now, but I'm sure he'll change his mind.  I mean, who wants to have their mom sleeping on the top bunk?

Back to my heart being ripped out...

A while back Steven and his brother decided to go see their cousin play football for his senior year.  Steven and I don't do well apart.  Mainly because we spent 4 years away from each other in college.  We feel we've put in our time. I completely understood why he wanted to go, but I was sad.  Then he added the next layer...he not only wanted to go, but he wanted to take Little Man so he wouldn't get homesick.  Say WHAT???   Essentially 2 out of my 3 closest loves will be gone for three nights and four days.  I am trying to look on the bright side.  This will be a great memory for Little Man and Steven.  Their first boys' only trip complete with his daddy, Uncle Ne, Chunky Monkey, and Papi.  He'll have a blast.  I, on the other hand, will have to survive at home with Little Miss.  Our survival will heavily rely on shopping sprees and pedicures.  That's just how we girls handle difficult situations.

Consquently, I don't think the boys will miss me too much.  I'm pretty much chopped liver to Little Man when Daddy's home.  They have way too much fun together!

1 comment:

  1. Those are such precious photos! Yeah, girl, I hate to say but it will be rough! My hubby just got in today from being gone 3 days and I hated every minute of it. I don't know what I would have done if one of my boys would have been with him. On the bright side, what a great time they will have and so many good memories! =))

    PS, I am still trying to work out the gymnastics class, hopefully we could start in September. We'll see.
